Gallery from Exhibits of Catherine Herrera Photography and Art
10 galleries
Credit: Flor de Miel Fotos/Catherine Herrera.
Press, Images and Postcards/Flyers for exhibits of art and photography by Catherine Herrera.
Press, Images and Postcards/Flyers for exhibits of art and photography by Catherine Herrera.
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5 imagesSan Francisco Artist Catherine Herrera participated in the Triton Museum of Contemporary Arts group exhibit 'Out of Tradition: Sacred and Profane' in 2019, and gave an artist talk for the public and Triton members. This exhibit featured the Spirit Doll series. #catherineherreraphotography
4 imagesFrom January thru June 2019, the de Saisset Museum exhibited 'Out of Tradition: Sacred & Profane, a group show of Contemporary Native American artists. Catherine Herrera (Indigneous Latina/European American/California Native Ohlone/Chumash family research status) exhibits from her 'Landless Indian' series, and a selection of The Spirit Doll Series. #catherineherreraphotography
13 imagesIn 2019, Catherine Herrera was commissioned by Public Art Performer, Vocalist & Sound Artist Carmina Escobar and Indexical, Santa Cruz, CA to create a life-sized Spirit Doll coastal sculpture as the centerpiece of a public art performance at the Santa Cruz Lighthouse. The process involved over 12 artists, dancers, singers and performers who Carmina orchestrated into a beautiful public event. To ensure proper protocol and no objection, Catherine, Carmina and Indexical collaborated with Chairman Val Lopez of the Amah Mutsun Ohlone Tribe. #catherineherreraphotography
17 imagesIn 2017, Catherine Herrera was invited to screen 'Bridge Walkers' 3 screen installation as part of San Francisco History Days at The Mint. These photos were taken during the process. Catherine Herrera gave a public artist talk during the same event.
3 imagesIn 2015, Catherine Herrera was invited to create and exhibit in a show at San Francisco Art Institute. Together with two SFAI students, we filmed and photographed a public art performance, dressed in her regalia, to stand in public at key visible San Francisco contemporary & historic landmarks to draw attention to the lack of recognition, or worse, stereotypically offensive. A second part, a a civic action to provide S.F. Supervisors with a proposal for a San Francisco Museum of the American Indian West, and Community Center with programming for and by the Ohlone community. In 2019, one of the statutes was removed and replaced with a statute honoring Native peoples.
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41 imagesCatherine Herrera created a 3-screen site specific installation, 'Bridge Walkers' exhibited in the de Young Museum Tower, the first time ever that the museum opened the tower for exhibition. Catherine Herrera was commissioned by the de Young Museum after she had participated in documenting the work of the Native American Advisory board working with the museum to create better relations with the Ohlone community, and increase participation of all the many Native tribal people living in San Francisco. #catherineherreraphotography
23 imagesCatherine Herrera is a local photographer with deep roots to San Francisco and the Bay Area, with a sustaining dedication to photography as an art and document of our times. Over 20 years, Catherine has worked as a photojournalist, exhibited her work in the U.S. and Mexico, and, most recently, has completed two cover photos for local authors. After a major needle aspiration injury at a local hospital to her right arm and immediately impacted her mobility, unable to work, Catherine moved her family to the only place she could afford since she could not stand, sit or walk for any period of time. She found a neighborhood of families, disabled, and artists. She documented her life during those few years, exhibiting in San Francisco City Hall while living in District 6 Tenderloin Neighborhood. #catherineherreraphotography